I've spent the last couple of days in Lusaka, Zambia's capital city. Its here where my Mum & Dad are spending a lot of there time... Christian Vision the charity which they work for have a farm here which is HUGE... It takes about 40 mins just to drive from one end to the other! On the farm there is a school, bible college and radio station. There's quite a few local families who live and work on the farm. There's loads of kids everywhere and as you walk they follow you around hiding behind trees and bushes!

The bible college is for training up church planters who are then sent off into rural Zambia to make disciples. The radio station broadcasts on FM into Lusaka and on short-wave to the rest of the country. The content is very evangelistic and aimed at sharing the gospel with as many people as possible... Christian Visions vision is to touch a billion people across the world with the gospel. Its awesome to see this in action first hand especially watching my Mum & Dad in their element!

On Tuesday morning we leave early to travel out to Livingston to spend 3 days at Victoria Falls. In true Zambian style we're traveling by bus (no aircon and NO TOILET!)... a six hour journey, the bus will be packed with locals so its going to be quite an experience. The country is very poor so there's not many cars (the roads have big potholes in so only 4x4 can travel around anyway!) This means most local people travel by bus or walk... you'll also often see many a Zambian packed into the back of a battered pick-up truck. The people are very friendly and are always smiling; they even wave as you pass by... just like London then?!
Below is a photo of the small house my Mum & Dad live in when in Zambia... lots of scorpions and spiders running around!